So, one day I was browsing Deviant Art and decided to search
for Jeff the Killer X Slenderman porn.
I was hoping to come across some well-drawn art which was
made using only the finest of image editing software. Preferably MS Paint.
*Insert Lenny Face here
But. I came across something that nobody should ever have
the displeasure of seeing. What I came across on that browsing session was not
meant for human eyes.
I was bored of seeing art of the duo fucking, because as I
am sure I have had to state many times in my life, I am not gay. I AM NOT. O
hai reader.
I just wanted to see them kiss and wank over that. Because a
kiss shared by bros is NOT gay. It is MANLY as ALL FUCK.
I clicked on an image that looked like it was Slender Man
and Jeff erotically kissing. It was a gif, so I clicked on it. But, I realised
my mistake.
On the page was this image:
My dik cummed all over my laptop as a final release of
euphoria, before my body filled with rainbow coloured semen and exploded.
My final words were:
“I jizzed in my pants over Dinosaur Porn.”
Lol wtf?